The Power of Our Words: Reflecting God's Character
Lately, I have been reflecting on Job 42:7-8, a passage that speaks powerfully about how we talk about God. These verses remind us of the importance of aligning our speech with God’s truth, His ways, and His character. In the coming days, I believe God is inviting us to examine our words and to receive His loving correction—both in how we speak about Him and in how our words reflect His nature.
Does Our Speech Match God’s Word?
When we speak about God, do our words align with who He says He is in Scripture? If there’s a mismatch, it’s a signal for us to pause and adjust. Sometimes, the best course of action might be to remain silent until we can ensure our words are consistent with His truth.
This isn’t about fear or perfection; it’s about reverence and relationship. We are called to be ambassadors of Christ, and part of that responsibility is ensuring our speech glorifies Him accurately. Misalignment happens when we speak from emotion, assumption, or misunderstanding rather than the foundation of His Word.
The Key to Reflecting His Character
So how do we ensure our words reflect His character? The answer is simple but profound: spend time with Him. When we immerse ourselves in God’s presence and His Word, we’re transformed from the inside out. His Spirit shapes our thoughts, refines our perspectives, and ultimately influences how we speak.
The more time we spend with Him, the more we’ll see the evidence of His Spirit in our lives. Our words will naturally begin to mirror His kindness, wisdom, and truth. It’s a process that requires intentionality, humility, and a deep hunger to know Him more.
Closing Thoughts
Job 42:7-8 serves as a gentle yet powerful reminder: our words matter. They reveal what’s in our hearts and have the power to honour or misrepresent our Creator. As we journey through this month of Kislev let it be a time of reflection and correction, let’s embrace the opportunity to grow closer to God and to allow His Spirit to transform the way we speak.
May our words be a true reflection of His character, bringing life, hope, and truth to all who hear them.
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